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OHL 8th Single「「0」」On Sale!!


グループ結成直後に活動計画が白紙となり、"マイナス" の状態から始まったOHLがようやく「0=スタート地点」に立ち「100=ゴール地点」へ向かって一歩踏み出していく意志を表現した本楽曲。
前作 'ぼくらの「」' と内容がリンクしながらも、対比した状況を描く。


近未来的でエレクトロニックなトラックの中に、OHLの正式名称「ONE HUNDRED LIMINAL」に由来する歌詞が各パートに含まれる。なお、トラックはLDHアーティストなどの楽曲を担当するSLAYからの提供によって完成された。


This song represents OHL starting from a "minus" state, where their activity plans were cancelled right after forming the group, and finally reaching the "0 = start point" and expressing their determination to take a step towards the "100 = goal point."

While linking to their previous work, 'Bokurano ""' it depicts a contrasting situation in this song.

OHL member GEN took on the role of a comprehensive producer, responsible for lyrics, composition, recording, mixing, and mastering. 
The rap part was produced with the involvement of OHL member SHURU.

Within the futuristic and electronic track, lyrics derived from OHL's official name, "ONE HUNDRED LIMINAL," are included in each part. The track was completed with the contribution of SLAY, who is known for producing songs for LDH artists and others.

The choreography is a collaboration between choreographer KANU and OHL members RYUSEI and NAO, creating a work where you can feel their new challenges even in live performances.

Lyrics : GEN,SHURU
Arrangements by : SLAY
Recorded & Mixed by : GEN

Jacket design : YUA

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